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  • Công tắc áp suất Pressure switch, DCM625, Fema Vietnam

Công tắc áp suất Pressure switch code: DCM625 | Fema Vietnam

Để giám sát quá áp của chất lỏng không xâm thực và phương tiện khí.

Công tắc áp suất Pressure switch, DCM625, Fema Vietnam

Kind of pressure overpressure, relative
Pressure connection internal thread G1/4, external thread G1/2
Electrical connection Plug DIN EN 175301
Protection class IP54
Housing material rugged housing of seawater resistant aluminium die casting GD Al Si 12.
Media temp. -25 ... 70 oC
Media temp. limit temperatures up to 85 oC are allowable for short periods. Higher temperatures are possible, provided that the limit is safeguarded by suitable measures (e.g. water tube trap, see Accessories for Pressure Switches / Transmitters)
Ambient temperature -25 ... 70 oC
Ambient temp. limit at temperatures below 0 oC, ensure that no water condensation can arise in the sensor and in the switching device
Switch function/capacity SPDT Microswitch 250 Vac; capacity 5 A inductive, 8 A resistive
Optional functions add the type numbers below to the listed type numbers for extra functionality as described
-301: terminal connection housing, IP65
-307: two microswitches, switching in parallel or in succession, fixed switching interval, terminal connection case, IP65
-217: two microswitches, 1 plug, switching in succession, adjustable switching interval
-213: gold-plated contacts, switching capacity: max. 24 Vdc, 100 mA, min. 5 Vdc, 2 mA. And others not available with adjustable switching difference.
-351: protection class IP65 and switching housing with surface protection (chemical version)
-513: gold-plated contacts, switching differential permanent, IP65, switching capacity: max. 24 Vdc, 100 mA, min. 5 Vdc, 2 mA; suitable isolating switching amplifier necessary, degree of protection Ex-i


Catalogue DCM625, Fema xem tại đây:

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