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  • Bộ mã hóa xung Encoder, 1052192, NPP Sick Vietnam

Bộ mã hóa xung Encoder code: 1052192 | NPP Sick Vietnam

100% EU Origin SICK Vietnam Code: 1052192 Encoder
Description: SFM60-HRKB0K02
Motor feedback systems rotary
100% EU Origin SICK Vietnam Code: 2059368
Description: BEF-DS07XFX
Mounting systems


ine/cosine periods per revolution 1,024
Number of the absolute ascertainable revolutions 4,096
Total number of steps 134,217,728
Measuring step 0.3 ″ For interpolation of the sine/cosine signals with, e. g., 12 bits
Integral non-linearity Typ. ± 45 ″, Error limits for evaluating sine/cosine period, without mechanical tension of the stator coupling
Differential non-linearity ± 7 ″, Non-linearity within a sine/cosine period
Operating speed ≤ 6,000 min⁻¹, up to which the absolute position can be reliably produced
Available memory area 1,792 Byte


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